History Celebrated 3/29/97 It was nearly two thousand years ago that two events took place that reshaped the way men and women for generations would view God. Those two events have impacted humanity for centruies and will continue to do so until time ends. The first as the death of a Galilean carpenter. He was not just any carpenter, He was God in human flesh. He did not come tot his world to make things out of wood like His father Joseph, He came to make people into what they would be and what His eternal Father wanted them to be. Because of His work, He was sentenced to death and He died a most humiliating and embarassing execution. The second event took place three days later, on a Sunday morning. It was early in the morning when some women came to the tomb. Imagine their shock when they saw it EMPTY! Jesus Christ rose bodily from the grave, and here we are, centuries removed celebrating that momentous occasion. Years later a writer wrote that because Jesus rose from teh dead, so will you and I. WE have a hope and assurance that there is something better than this life. Come and woship with us tomorrow. Norman Russell