Jesus' Return

As I write this, people are waiting with bated-breath for Mount St. Helens to erupt. They do not expect the eruption to be anything like the May 18, 1980 eruption. (Note: Mount St. Helens is located in the northwestern corner of the state of Washington, USA)

 The mountain has "burped" (as they say). Ash, steam, and rock has been shot into the air in the past few days, but a major one is coming any day. In fact, it was supposed to occur Saturday October 2nd. Well, so much for predictions.

Jesus Christ is coming again, and that fact is certain. We have historically had people attempt to give the exact date of that return. Today some are saying that the signs are all pointing to an imminent return.

Two things are important for us to understand. First, Jesus is going to return. We know that because He said He would be coming back. Secondly we have no idea when that return will take place. Paul wrote that Jesus’ return would be as a thief in the night. No thief I have ever heard about has told his victims when he would be arriving.

The best thing for us to do is to stop trying to put a date on Jesus’ return and to start living in expectation of that event.

Come visit with us Sunday.