Lesson From A Child

I had forgotten how much joy a four year old can bring into your life. My daughter and grandaughter have taken up temporary residence at my house. On Monday and Tuesday I take my grandaughter to pre-school and pick her up at noon. In the evening we walk the dog together (she runs all the way even up hill). When we are traveling together she sings to no one,or she talks on and on about those things that are new wonders to her- baby chickens, horses and the ocean.
Life through the eyes of a four year old is much different than for you and
me. She sees bright colors, babies, puppies, and beautiful flowers. She doesn't see some of the ugliness that we see, she is not supposed to. For her life is to be full of fun, running and playing. That is as it should be. She is also very trusting. She has no fear when she is with someone she knows. She would walk across the busiest street in town if you had ahold of her hand and would lead the way. Jesus once said "except you become as a little child..." innocent, trusting, looking at beauty and enjoying life. Our four year old has a lot to teach me. I hope I learn well. Come see us Sunday.

Norm Russell