Minute Message - Lies We Live 7/97 Dr. Chris Thurman wrote a book entitled, "The Lies People Believe." In it, the author states "most of our unhappiness and emotional struggles are caused by the lies we tell ourselves." The writer has made an extremely important point. We sometimes will confuse a symptom for the real problem. Barbara and her husband are not living harmoniously. She states that he works all the time. The real problem is there beleif system which says "Money will make things better." With that approach, is it any wonder that Barbara's husband sees the need to work all the time? Consider another situation. A man believes that real men are never wrong about anything. Can you imagine living with a person like that? He will no doubt be extremely hard on himself as well as others about him. Our belief system determines how we live. The lies we tell ourselves have a tremendous impact on how we view life. Maybe it would be helpful to look at ourselves honesty an see if in some way we have bought into an untruth that has interfered with us having an abundant life (John 10:10). Norman Russell