Minute Message: Marines and Submarines Author: Norman Russell One sunday after church, the family was riding home. Mother asked "What did you learn in Bible school today Johnny?" "Oh, it was great today! We learned how Moses and the Israelites were trapped between the Egyptian Army and the Red Sea. And how Moses organized an elite troop of Marines to hold off the Egyptians until a fleet of submarines were able to come and take the Israelites to safety in the promised land." "Is that REALLY what your teacher told you?" asked the mother. "Naw, but you would not BELIEVE the way HE said it happened." Sometimes even children find it hard to believe how God has worked in the past in the lives of His people. However, Johnny points up something that seems to be true even among those who profess to be Christians. That you cannot always believe everthing you read, even if it is in the Bible. The miracles performed by God and Jesus Christ were real, the resurrection is a historical fact, and Jesus will return. These things I not only believe, but stake my life on them. How about you? Come and visit us whenever you have opportunity. Norman Russell