
Last week I went back to the place of my birth to celebrate my sister’s 70th birthday with her. It was fun being with family once again. As we toured the community, we discussed how things were different today than they were when we were growing up. Places of business had closed, streets have been changed and the atmosphere even seemed to be different.

What is it about returning to what was once home that makes it so difficult for some and euphoric for others? It all has to do with our ability to remember. memories have a way of crowding in on us. Sometimes they produce a smile and warm feelings. At other times we would just as soon forget them. We cannot be selective when it comes to remembering things. They are recorded forever in our minds and to simply forget something that we experienced in the past is not possible.

However, we can do something with those memories, even bad ones. We can learn from them. They can be stepping stones to a better you. You can determine not to pass on those unpleasant experiences to your children. You can also take those memories that are valuable and teach them to the next generation.

God has given you a memory, use it to bring glory and honor to Him as well as being a blessing to others.

Come see us Sunday.