Minute Message: Mistakes Author: Norman Russell When the airline hostess came with our meals, I put the magazine in the seat next to me face down. As we proceeded to eat, the lady on the opposite side of the empty seat reached over and picked up MY magazine and began reading the story that I was involved in. It was only a short time before she realized she had made a mistake. She gave me hers (they were the same) and I began to look for my place in the article. She reached over and said "Page 72." Human mistakes are as common as raindrops on the Oregon Coast. Some are of no consequence, others have extremely painful results. Some mistakes are forgotten as quickly as yesterdays conversations, while others haunt us every hour of the day. How you deal with missteps says much about your character. A responsible and honest individual will face up to his/her actions, admit them and face whatever might be the penalty. The Cowardly will simply try to blame someone else and do all he/she can to escape the outcome of their actions. A person who admits error is treasured by God and forgiveness is swift. Come and visit us when you have opportunity. Editor's Note: By Mark Magill This short sermonette has a lot of meaning to those of us who travel busy freeways. How many times have you heard of serious accidents resulting from someone who was either accidentally or purposely "cut off" that could not forgive the mistake and started driving crazily? A lot I would bet. The danger to the soul for those who cannot forgive is just as much a danger as the high-speed nut behind the wheel on the freeway trying to "get even" with the person who made them mad. Nobody says that FORGIVING and FORGETTING are one and the same, or even easy. I can FORGIVE a lot more offenses a brother or sister might do to me than my mind will allow me to FORGET. That is the part we need to work on. Christ did it, and we want to be like him, right? Mark