Minute Message : Freedom Publication Date : 7/6/96 This is always a fun time of the year. American celebrates its birth and we are impressed with all the celebrative events. It was 220 years ago that we case off the shackles of oppression from a foreign monarch. America is free and we are glad. Patriotism, flag-waving and speeches all make this a memorable moment. Freedom does not come without cost. Just a few short days ago we were reminded of how might the price can be. Several were killed in a bomb blast in Saudi Arabia. Loved ones back home were stunned when the news of their father, brother, husband or other relative was tragically taken from them. With freedom comes responsibility. Unfortunately, in many cases freedom has become the altar upon which responsibility has been sacrificed. The freedom to choose has become the right to kill our unborn. The freedom of speech has become the right to spread vulgarity in music and on the screen. The freedom of the press has become the right to print indecent literature. Someday, I pray, we will see what we have done and turn around. In spite of our disappointments and the abuses we have witnessed, I'm still glad I live where I do. America is still a good nation and we continue to pray for her. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459