Minute Message : Strangers Publication Date : 7/13/96 My wife and I took advantage of a couple free days and traveled to Canada. We had not been there long till she said "Have you see so many foreigners." My response was "Seeing as how we are the foreigners in another country, no." You could not tell we had left the United States. Canadians did not look any different than we did. We dressed like they did, ate the same foods and spoke the same language (without the accent, of course). It was hard to tell that we were in a different culture entirely, we were foreigners. In thinking about that exchange of dialogue, it occurred to me that sometimes you can blend in so well, that no one can tell you don't belong. You look, act, and talk like those around you. Christians at times blend in so well to their environment that it is difficult for people to determine that there is something different about them. They act, talk and conduct themselves in a fashion that identifies them with the culture that surrounds them. I am not suggesting that those who are followers of Jesus begin to act in a way that portrays arrogance or self- righteousness or a sense of self-imposed masochism. But we do need to act and talk in such a way that God is elevated, Jesus is honored and His cause is not hindered. Can people see the difference in YOU? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459