Minute Message : Retained or Lost Publication Date : 7/20/96 It is apparently a done deal. Prince Charles and Princess Diana are going their separate ways. One news account stated that it won't even be necessary for the couple to appear in court. I was interested in how the media reported the results of the final settlement. On one side was a list of things Diana retained or gained and on the other side was a list of what she lost. All of them had to do with the tangible things such as money, apartment, visitation rights and the like. If we could look into the hearts of this woman, I wonder if those things would rate that high with her. There are things money cannot buy or replace. Things such as companionship. She will no doubt have a number of people claiming loyalty to her, but as we have already seen, sometimes friendship last only as long as the person can extract from the other. Then, there is the family. She apparently will have the visitation rights to her sons, but that is not a family. Granted, this was not a "normal" family. However, what she did have now is gone. I think we could list a number of other things that you would not find on a "Retain/Gain" or "Lost" list. The affects of divorce cannot be regulated to a simple "You Get/I Get." LIves are affected, and sometimes the scars never heal. Will I see you tomorrow? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459