Minute Message : Everyone Wins Publication Date : 8/8/96 Tomorrow will bring to an end another Olympic event. Athletes from around the world will participate in the closing ceremony, and the torch will be extinguished symbolizing the official end of the athletic competition for another four years. Some athletes will return home to a heroes welcome. There will be celebrations, speeches and more recognition for a job well done. Others will go home disappointed, disillusioned, heart broken. Their dreams were not fulfilled, there will be no speeches or recognition for a job well done. You do not celebrate losing. All these individuals had one thing in common - they trained hard, they sacrificed and they dreamed. They all sw themselves standing on the podium receiving their gold medal, they all saw themselves returning home to a celebration. An ancient writer took the Olympic games to illustrate the Christian life. He called it a race. He said "Run in such a way as to get the prize." He went on to say that those who compete [in sports competition] run for a crown that eventually deteriorates. But the Christian runs to receive a crown that lasts forever. With God, everyone is a winner. There will be no unfulfilled dreams. Will I see you tomorrow? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459