Minute Message : Changing Men Publication Date : 8/10/96 Last week 40,000 men converged on Eugene, Oregon to hear speakers challenging them to accept responsibility for being husbands, fathers, and community leaders. They were called on to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and to reflect on being men of character. Some, because of the teachings of a group called Promise Keepers, opposed the gatherings. But I think this is one of the best things that could happen to the American male. If this will help our men be what they should be,w e all need to support the movement in spite of our differences. Men who sincerely commit their lives to the Lordship of Jesus, are not going to be involved in drive-by shootings. They won't be hanging around at the taverns after work, and they won't be involved in spouse and child abuse. It has been shown that social programs have failed miserably at changing people. We have poured good money after bad. Our prisons are overflowing and dead-beat dads have become a major problem. If 40,000 men will commit to being the person they should be, we should applaud the effort. It cost our government nothing, and it may well be the one thing that will turn a family, neighborhood, community or possibly a whole nation, around. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA