Minute Message : Healthy Eyes But Blind Publication Date : Not Recorded - 1996 A report came out concerning research done on 150 women in California. These women all lived in the southern part of the state and are experiencing vision loss. The problem is, that there is no physical explanation for it. All these women are refugees from Cambodia. All lost their sight as a result of atrocities they witnessed in their home land while under Communist rule. Those events that scarred these women are so horrible it is difficult to describe them. They saw parents and children killed in such a brutal way that "they just don't want to see any more" on researcher stated. Some people suffer various things in their life and they cope with it in different, sometimes strange, ways. A woman is abused and so she becomes emotionally numb. A child is abused and it too cannot express emotions. The cure for functional blindness is not physiological it is psychological and spiritual. Those women blind from witnessing atrocities will have to feel secure before they will allow themselves to see again. Those emotionally numb will have to be reassured they are loved, protected and accepted, before they will get their powers of emotional sensitivity back again. Jesus can bring healing. It will not come instantaneously. He will accept and love without condition. Will I see you tomorrow? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459