Minute Message : Choose Your Color Publication Date : 8/31/96 A college student decided one summer that he would earn money for his tuition by selling Bibles door-to-door. He began at the home of the school president. The president's wife came to the door and explained politely that her family didn't need any more books. As the student walked away, she saw him limping. "Oh, I'm sorry" she exclaimed "I didn't know you were disabled." When the student turned around she realized that she offended him. She quickly added "I didn't mean anything except admiration. But, doesn't your disability color you life?" To which the student said "Yes it does, but thank God I can choose the color." How do you respond to difficulties in your life? Some choose to grumble and complain. They blame everyone from the household pet to God for their troubles. They see nothing positive and refuse to find anything good. Others however are able to find contentment and assurance in their times of crises. It is not because they are better people, but because they know that troubles can be a time for growing. They look for rainbows in the clouds rather than rain. Most importantly, people who have struggles and look up find strength in knowing God is in control. That in spite of it all, He provides the ability to go on. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459