Minute Message : Open Your Eyes Publication Date : 9/1/96 I really enjoyed the movie "Apollo 13." Though I knew what the outcome would be, I was held in suspense as the people on the ground worked frantically to bring the three astronauts back home. History was made in those few days. I do not remember what I was doing then. Looking back it was probably a simple routine day. I was doing my thing and was completely oblivious to what was happening in the sky above me. I think with many of us, that is the way much of our lives are lived. We go about our everyday responsibility and fail to see what is going on around us. A marriage falls apart and we are not aware of it until we read it in the papers. Someone is facing health crisis, but we never seem to notice. We are not alone in this. When Jesus was crucified, nearly all of Israel was so caught up in observing a Jewish feast day that they did not know what was occurring just outside the walls of their city. So... how can we be more sensitive to people? Do what Jesus did. He had a sincere interest in others. He was never too busy to reach out to people and He was never so full of Himself that he couldn't find time for the most needy. Give it a try. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459