Minute Message : Eating Grapes Publication Date : 9/14/96 I never knew there were two ways to eat grapes - the right way and the wrong way. My wife and I sometimes would have a minor dispute over the process, but I thought it was just between the two of us. That is, until I listened to a lady who recounted her honeymoon. The newlyweds were enjoying their visit to Bermuda at a resort. While basking in the sun and looking out over the Atlantic Ocean, a hotel waiter brought them a tray full of fruit. In the middle was a large cluster of grapes. As she hovered over the fruit, she began to pluck one grape then another. Her husband, looking somewhat annoyed by her eating habit, asked her if she enjoyed grapes. "Of course" came the reply. "Then you need to know how to eat them." With that he began to show her how to eat grapes. Isn't it interesting what annoys people? There are those who get upset over the toilet seta being up or the tissue paper put on wrong. Some get anxiety attacks when a person in the store express checkout line has more than the allowed 9 items or is writing a check at a "cash only" counter. What is it that annoys you? We need to understand that there is more to life than the small annoyances we face. When we surrender our life to God, the petty disturbances we face are put into perspective. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459