Minute Message : Faith Game? Publication Date : 9/21/96 The rhetoric from political candidates is being shouted across the airways as each attempts to garner votes for the positions they represent. Who will win is anybody's guess. The problem is, a vast majority of voters do not care. Americans have become disillusioned about the election process. Many feel that the news media is who really elects our officials and others have said that they will not be voting because it makes little difference. People have become cynical about government, the court system and those they trusted to give them impartial news. They feel there is no justice in our courts and that only the powerful and rich get the breaks. I think that is tragic. Any time people give up believing in something, it costs; and the price is extremely high. Our belief in something (it matters little as to what that might be) is the motivation for living. To give up believing is to give up living. Though our faith in institutions have been shaken, we can still believe in a God who will not let us down. He is always fair, just and caring. Believe in Him, and you will never be disappointed. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459