Minute Message : The Pilot Publication Date: 10/26/96 The man took a seat next to the young boy on the plan. After a lengthy period of silence, the man asked the boy if he was traveling far. The boy said his trip would be quite a distance. "Aren't you afraid to be going so far?" asked the man. "No" replied the boy, "I am not afraid at all." "Why aren't you afraid?" "Because the pilot is my dad" the boy replied. The boy had confidence in the pilot. The pilot, knowing who was with him, took extra precaution. There would be no sleeping at the controls. No "final one for the road" for him. There was someone very dear to him in the passenger section. Knowing who the pilot was gave the child an unwavering confidence that allowed him to travel tremendous distance toward a destination he was not all that familiar with, in ease. How much m ore should you and I face each day with confidence that everything will be O.K. God is in control of our world, and often we cannot see beyond the day, or even the moment. But let me assure you that when one surrenders to God, their life takes on a renewed assurance. Struggles will come, disappointments will arise, but with God in the pilot's seat, you will make it. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459