Minute Message : Storms Publication Date: 11/30/96 The (*)storm raged through the night and much of the next day. No one would know what the effects would be, we only knew that several would sustain tremendous damage. Storms are those wonders of nature that humble us. We can predict when they will hit, their strength and even the devastation of it, but we cannot stop them. We are helpless in spite of all of our technology. For many of us, we have been able to look around and be thankful that nothing more had occurred. For others, their losses are many and in some cases, extremely painful. Storms of nature are very unsettling. They can be extremely devastating to us. However, we can for the most part, pick up and move on. But what about storms of life? How does one pick up and move on when you have lost someone you love dearly, or the news of an illness or company "downsizing" threatens your future? I have no "quick fix" answers for these storms and saying that God cares about you and hurts with you in the storm seems to trite, thorough very true. I encourage you to look up, beyond your circumstances tot he One who will see you through. Will I see you tomorrow? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459 Editor's Note * The storms that hit the western U.S. in November of 1996 were of a magnitude we had not seen in many years. Many homes and roads were destroyed, and many businesses lost. Damages were in the countless millions of dollars. Record-breaking rains and high winds were responsible for the majority of the damage.