Minute Message : What Matters Publication Date: 11/9/96 Have you ever sat down and asked yourself what is really important in life? In the movie "City Slickers" (watch the T.V. version) the character played by Jack Palance said to Billy Crystal, "There is only one thing." When asked what that was, Jack Palance said "You will know." In a culture where everyone is attempting to be the "one thing" in your life, it is difficult to really sit down and do your own thinking. Family is certainly important. Seeing to the care of our children as well as our mates is one of the most important issues in life. Financial security is important. In a day when we are not all that sure about tomorrow, a number of people are turning away form spending and are saving as much as possible. Health is very high on the important list of most people. We have loved ones who need us and we cannot ignore that. Therefore, we exercise and eat right so that we can life longer. Important as these things are, do they really matter when we are ushered into eternity and there face our creator? Are you preparing for eternity? Will I see you tomorrow? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459