Minute Message : Thanksgiving Publication Date: 11/23/96 It is hard to believe but next week we celebrate our yearly Thanksgiving Day. A time set aside to remind all of America to once again look up and thank our Creator for the abundant blessings we all enjoy. Years ago a writer wrote that the road to degradation and sin begins with an ungrateful spirit. People have abundance but want more and are not grateful for what they have. We have seen it in young and old alike. So how can we turn this around? Let me suggest a couple of things I think might help: First, look around you and count up all the things you have that others might not have. Begin with the tangibles such as job, house, clothing, health, and ... you know what I mean. Now count the intangibles such as friends, family, purpose, the opportunity to live here and not some third-world country and ... Now you ask yourself how you were able to accumulate all of this. Some might be so arrogant to say "I earned it myself." That attitude is the first step toward degradation and sin. WE need to look to our Creator and express our thanks for being so good to us. We don't deserve it, and we thank Him for His goodness towards us. Don't eat too much and come see us tomorrow. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459