Minute Message : God's Image Publication Date: 12/14/96 I read last week in the Oregonian (Portland, Oregon newspaper) that there is an organization called the Animal Liberation Front. They are a militant organization whose intent is to destroy the Mink industry. The F.B.I. has categorized them as a terrorist organization because of their efforts of putting raisers of minks out of business. THey are not above breaking into someone's farm and opening the cages of animals and setting them free. A lady in the Seattle, Washington area protested the slaughter of turkeys for annual Thanksgiving day meals. It was reported that she held a candlelight vigil at one of the turkey slaughter houses. Whether it be turkeys, minks, foxes, spotted owls or rabbits they are creatures of God's creation. He placed them on this earth and he expects us to enjoy them and to care for them. However we must remember that animals were not created in His image, people are. This does not justify wholesale senseless destruction of these beautiful creatures, but at no time are they to be elevated in importance to the level of humans. In spite of what is said, people did not evolve from animals. We are a product of deliberate design, and when we die, our spirit returns to the one who gave it. Will I see you tomorrow? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459