Minute Message: Christmas Publication Date: 12/28/96 Next week is a very special day. Christmas comes once a year and this year is seems to have come a little quicker than before. What an exciting time of the year. The spirit of love, giving and thoughts of others fill the air. There are two things I would like to say, first, I hope you have a joyous Christmas. I hope your hearts are filled with good cheer and that the spirit of Christmas will fill your house. I would also like to reflect on the person of Jesus Christ. He is the reason we hafve this day set aside. We may not know when our Saviour was born, but we do know that somewhere near Bethlehem, nearly two thousand years ago, in a stable, a child was born, and it was announced by the host of heaven. We tend to see Jesus as a baby in a manger. As long as He remains in the manger, he is no threat to our way of life. We need to see Him as He is- God in fleshly form. He came to life spirits, forgive sins, and preach good news. he is still doing that, not as a baby, but as a resurrected Savior. Reach out to him. He can change your life. Merry Christmas, and I'll be looking for you tomorrow. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459