Minute Message : Key To Happiness Publication date: Saturday, 1/4/97 The famous psychiatrist Dr. Karl Minninger was once asked what he would do if he knew he was going to have a nervous breakdown. His reply: "I'd go and find someone in worse condition than myself and try to help them." In his book "Open the Door Wide to a Happy Living", T. Huffman Harris told of a young man named Eddie who became tired of life and decided to leap from a bridge into a raging river. Jim, a total stranger, saw Eddie being swept down river and jumped in to save him. He [Jim] was not a good swimmer. Eddie saw him floundering and decided to help Jim out of his predicament. Saving the stranger who had tried to save him made an impact on Eddie. It brought new meaning and hope to his life. When people become self-focused, they become discouraged and depressed. Some even feel the world owes them a living. Is it any wonder that we have so many unhappy people living in our world? The road to happiness is paved with service to others. It was Jesus who said "It is more blessed to give than to receive." He wasn't speaking of money, He was talking about yourself. Give yourself away and watch the blessings come pouring in. I will be looking for you tomorrow. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459