Minute Message : Final Word Publication date: Saturday, 1/11/97 Mark McKinney is a medical wonder. While practicing judo, he was seriously injured and taken to the hospital paralyzed. The doctor examined him and said "He's a vegetable, and will never walk again." Today, Mark has moved from a wheelchair, unable to communicate to a living, vibrant individual. His neurologist can offer few answers to Mark's recovery. Isn't it great that doctors cannot always give the final word? I appreciate tremendously medical wisdom and technology, but I also know that in spite of all their knowledge, they can only give an opinion. They cannot predict what a body can do with determination. Neither can they know what God might have in store for a person who trusts Him. Obviously, we cannot point to people like Mark McKinney and say for certain that this is what will happen if a person believes. But we can be inspired by such determination and faith. Whatever the circumstances... no matter the appearance of things... the final word belongs to God. I do not believe in coincidence. I believe God is at work, if I didn't, I'd quit writing, preaching, and living. Come and see us tomorrow. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459