Minute Message : Accepting Yourself Publication date: Saturday, 1/18/97 Sometimes you can learn a lot of things about people by simply observing their behavior. Such was the case recently when I sat waiting for my turn to get a hair cut. One lady was having something put on by what appeared to be a paint brush. Another was having her hair teased, rolled and combed by a beautician determined to make the hair do what she wanted. Another was having very short snips cut from one place or another, and when the cutting was finished her hair was shorter than mine. I don't know what to make of all of this except to say that it amazes me at times how we torture certain parts of our body to make it appear younger, more attractive, or fit. We want to hide what is really there. You have grey hair? No problem, a little color and no one will know the difference (except your hair dresser). Looking a little aged? Face lifts work wonders (unless you appear to be walking through a wind tunnel). Accepting ourselves as we are goes a long way toward making us feel good about us. God made you as you are. He will accept you as you are. The question is, will you accept yourself? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459