Minute Message : Second Chance Publication date: Saturday, 1/25/97 It is always an unsettling experience to move to a new part of the country. Leaving behind old friends, wondering if you can find new ones. For some it is an opportunity for a new start. For one couple it was a painful move. The circumstances that prompted them to leave was extremely difficult. They moved from a metropolitan area to a small rural community. Some difficulties arose in their first few months. They struggled with damaged emotions, and a shortage of funds due to a large cut in pay that made the meeting of obligations almost impossible. They were determined to see it through no matter what the consequences. Eventually the hurts were healed, but their credit was poor. The need for another car prompted the husband to look for someone who would take a chance on them. Though it appeared hopeless, he finally found someone who would listen and gave them a second chance. "Second chance"... we need people who will give others a second chance. At home, work, or wherever relationships are found. After all, that's the kind of person God is - A God of second chance. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459