Minute Message : Mountains and Mosquitoes Publication date: Saturday, 2/1/97 I understand that the first attempt to dig the Panama Canal ended in failure. The men and machinery tackled the moutains and jungles. However, the project was abandoned because of the mosquitoes. You would think a small insect would not pose such a threat to progress, but the mosquito could do what the mountains were unable to accomplish. Yellow Fever which killed thousands was carried by insect. It was only after American doctors found ways of protecting people against the disease that their second attempt was a success. There is a great difference between the size of mountains and mosquitoes. Yet, the bug was more powerful than the mountain. The lesson is, we need to focus our attention on the small things if we are going to succeed on the big things. Far too many good people are victims of their own inability to deal with the little, insignificant things in their life. A moment of indisretion, a temptation to use other funds for ones own benefit, or a theft of a Twinkie that which cost a man his job he held for 20 years. Reader, know thyself if you wish to succeed. Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459