Minute Message : Thank You Publication Date: 2/8/97 He walked into the restaurant, unaware that someone was watching. He took his seat and waited for the waitress to bring him his menu and coffee. She soon came over to him and said "Sir, there is a lady who has requested that she buy you lunch." His response was "Well, that sounds alright to me, but why would she want to do that and who is she?" The waitress then related to him what was told to her. It seems the man had given a job to another man who was in despaerate need of work. The woman who had requested that she buy the man's lunch was the daughter of that man needing work and she wanted to say thank you. A nice little story, and it really did happen. The interesting thing is, this man had not given anyone a job in ten years. But the woman remembered a kindness done, and when the opportunity arose, she siezed upon it. It is never too late to say thank you. It may be your parents, children, mate or just anyone who has been kind to you. WHen was the last time you thanked God? He is the one who has always been there for you, even when you thought He had deserted you. Make a call, say a prayer, and give thanks. Will I see you tomorrow? Norman Russell 2761 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459