Minute Message : "Red Lights" Publication Date: 2/15/97 I do not remember who said it, nor do I remember where it was that I read it. But the statement that left me me doing some thinking was simply "red lights eventually turn green." It had to do with our busy life. We find ourselves running from one appoint- ment to the next. From one task to another. Our busy world has robbed us of enjoying real living. Our children and spouses are robbed of not just time, but quality time. Even when we are home, we are thinking aobut what we are going to do the next day. We even carry trade journals home so we can keep up with the latest discoveries and the competition. Taking a vacation or days off are not easy for us, in fact, that is simply not realistic. What do we get out of all of this? Ulcers, headaces, stress and indigestion. The more we drive the more we are driven. Did you ever wonder why God set aside one day for rest? He knew man in all of his greed would never be satisfied. The more he had the more he wanted. I'm not suggesting we ressurect the Sabbath, Jesus said the Sabbath was for man. It would be wise for all who are driven to take one day (better yet two) and get some rest and enjoy living again. Come and see us tomorrow. Norman Russell 2765 Broadway North Bend, Oregon USA 97459