"Minute Message" 5/9/98 Mom My mom is now in the eighth decade of her life. She will always be special to me. I know her days remaining are not many though she is not in the best of health she is strong. Her strength comes from a life of hasting to do with what you had to work with. We were not monetarily wealthy. In fact money was always scarce. though as a child I never fully realized it. I now understand why we were not able to always stop for an ice cream cone after church on Sunday. Her strength also came from having to face many situations without her partner nearby. My dad was not always home and mom was left to face those crises without some advise or guidance. So often we wish we could escape all the difficulties of life. but in our hearts we know that tough times make us better people My mom has a faith in God That faith sustained her through the deaths of a son, daughter, and my dad. She knew God was in control and that she would one day join them. Moms are great-This is your time we honor you. Come sisit with us tornurrow.