Minute Message 6/6/98 Names When a teacher has a large class, it is not uncommon for him her to mistake one child for another at the beginning of the school year. Eventually the teacher learns the name of each student and gives them the attention they need. On one occasion however, a small boy was being called Alan by his teacher. Alan was not his name The teacher never got it. When she called his (fictitious) name, he would not respond. She then would get his attention in some other manner and relay her instructions on to him. Sadly, the boy began to respond to the name Alan. He gave un and began to play by her rules, at the forfeiture of his own name. As tragic as that storv sounds. how many of you are just like Alan? You didn't have your name changed, but you have given in and are playing by someone etse's rules. You have sacrificed your integnty, identity and character for what someone has convinced you to be the way to go. Unfortunately you are probably unaware of what you have given up for something so small and insignificant. Come visit with us tomorrow.