Needing God

A man was once asked, "Where is God on your priority list?" His response was, "Not very high." Here was an individual who is successful in business, has a great family, enjoys good health, and attends church. Notice he attends church. But he is not a part of the church. He is not involved in any ministry of the congregation where he attends.

There are some people who do not see a need for God in their life. There are two basic reasons why this is so. First, they believe there relationship with God is determined on how good they are. As long as they are a good person, then surely God has a place for them in His heaven.

Secondly, some people tend to see a need for God only during a crises. Although people do tend to reach out to their creator in moments of distress, the truth is we are completely dependent on God for life itself. We cannot live from day to day without that which he gives-water, food, air and etc.

There will come a day when every man and woman will stand before God. Unfortunately, some will still not get it. God has made it clear, unless we surrender to Jesus Christ, we have no hope.

