It Doesn't Make Sense 4-5-97 Why would a coach tell his team to score points for their opponents? That is what happened in the 1988 Tishimingo High School, leading Faulkner High by a score of 16-14. With only one play left and the ball on Faulner's 40 yard line, the coach sent in the play that called for their star runner to run the opposite direction as fast as he could and score two points for the OTHER team. Crazy? Maybe, but the reasoning was that in order for Tishimingo to go to state, they had to win by four or more points. With only one play left, and not confident in their ability to score from their opponents 40 yard line, the coach believed that his best bet was to go into overtime. Result? Tishimingo won 22-16. Sounds a bit like the actions of God to me. When Jesus went to the cross, it appeard that Satan had won and God had lost. His disciples scattered and his followers wondering what had gone wrong, it had the appearance of disaster. But was it? Three days later Jesus rose from the dead and all laughter in Satan's world stopped. From that day on, people have gone to that cross and found the meaning to life and Salvation. What a game plan! Norman Russell