Minute Message: Parents Author: Norman Russell "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Remember that? Did you say those words? Many of us no doubt had uttered those words when we were young. We really thought it was true. NOW, we know better. Those names were painful, even now, they at times come rushing back into our minds reminding us of what our peers thought of us. As bad as those words were, they could not compare with some of the things parents said to their children. Things like "Stupid", "Dumb", "You'll never amount to anything..." and on and on it went. Kids grew up and became adults with poor self images. They find it difficult to have positive relationships and they struggle with trying to find work that pays an adequate salary. Parents are given an awesome responsiblity when they bring children into the world. They not only need food and shelter, they need emotional support. They need to be told they are loved and they are special. They need to hear the words of affirmation and support. Children also need a relationship with God. Unless God becomes a major influence in a child's life, efforts to raise healthy, responsible adults will not be complete. Come and visit us when you have the opportunity.