
I have discussed on a couple of occasions with a lady at our church concerning the value of job performance reviews. Having experienced those reviews, I have a negative attitude about them. One writer stated that such reviews are merely a reminder of who is in charge.

A friend of mine, Mike Armour, sends out free twice a month sound advice for managers, business owners or anyone else who chooses to receive it. The last couple of issues of his "Coach’s Clipboard" has dealt with the need of looking beyond performance to a person’s character. An employee’s character is as much, or more so, important as to how well they perform on the job. The latest Enron mess is proof of the need to have individuals with character within the company.

I am glad God does not judge me on performance. If He did, I would be a complete failure. Furthermore, I would always be worrying that I failed in some area that I was unaware of and He would get me in the end. I know that when I stand before God, the only thing that will matter is, did I give my life to Jesus Christ. Have you?

Come visit with us Sunday.