The Priceless Gift

What would you consider to be the greatest gift you have ever received? One way many determine the value of a gift is to measure it by its monetary value. Others measure the value of a gift by what it cost the giver in terms of time and effort.

When Jesus Christ came into the world, He was not the first gift God gave to humanity. Certainly He was the most valuable as you could not purchase what He brought by means of silver or gold. God has been giving gifts to us that we probably think little about. Consider the gift of a family, the ability to make money, the privilege of being born in a free society where you can choose how and where to live. And, all of this is given without any strings attached. He has done all of this even for those who refuse to acknowledge His existence and who battle to keep His name out of the arena of public discussion.

What is it that motivates God to be so gracious? In a word, love. God’s love for humanity began before creation and will never cease. He gives, even when we ignore Him. What a great God we have.

Come see us Sunday.