Living Your Profession

The woman had been waiting for the cart to haul her luggage out to her car for sometime. It was Sunday morning. She waited patiently until eventually one arrived. As she began to make her way to the cart, a rather large man grabbed the cart and said " I have been waiting for one of these and I need to be at church by 10 o'clock. Does that strike you as odd, that someone professing to be a Christian would consider being at church as more important than helping someone with a need? It does me, and he certainly did not do much for the Christian movement. I have never been able to understand how people who believe in Jesus Christ could act in the way that many of them do. Be sure God is not pleased with such behavior. Furthermore it is the minority not the majority who conduct themselves this way. Are you a Christian? Are you conducting your life in a manner that honors God? Do people see you living according to your profession? I hope so. Come see us Sunday.

Norm Russell