San Francisco

Returning from California meant we had to pass through San Francisco. It was evening, and it was getting darker by the minute. We have taken this route a number of times so we were not all that concerned. At some point we made a wrong turn. By the time we were free of that community, things were a little testy.

Have you ever noticed how little things can become a major issue when it really didn’t have to be? We get tired and we snap at our spouse, or worse we get into a full blown battle of wills. Shouting, yelling, screaming or some other reaction to the issue only escalates the problem.

Let me suggest that unless it is an emergency, cease all forms of communication until you can calmly sit down and discuss it over a cup of coffee. It makes for a much more pleasant atmosphere to solve the problem. Respect one another’s point of view and together come to a solution.

Conflicts will come, Jesus could not avoid them, but conflicts should bring us together, not drive us apart.

Come see us Sunday.