"Kaleidoscope" When I was a child, I used to play with a Kaleidoscope. Whenever you twisted the tube, the picture would change. At no time was that picture the same as the previous one. We look at our world thorugh the Kaleidoscope of our experiences and attitudes. If we find ourselves in a crisis, then our world will appear to be dark, gloomy and even frightful. However, if we are experiencing good and positive feelings, how we see the world suddenly changes to bright, positive and exciting. What we want to do is look at the world throguh the Kaleidoscope of God. He puts everything into perspective and He helps us see things as He sees them. One thing He does is help us look beyond the moment. When you look past your momentary crisis, you will see the world completely different thatn you have in the past. Let God color your world, not your experiences or your attitude, and you will find that life is fun and exciting! Norman Russell