Minute Message 9/12/9& Righteousness Wins Out Daniel Ritchie chancellor of the University of Denver gave a speech to the graduating class of 1998. In this speech, he stated the following 'When I graduated from college, I thought about my classmates and put them in two categories: Those for who and with whom I would like to work, and those for whom and with whom I would not. I called the second category the snakes, and I determined not to be one of them. Over the next few years I observed the respective progress of the two groups In the immediate short term, the snakes seemed to move ahead. But then an interesting thing happened. Gradually the snakes fell behind and the people of character and principles passed them. The problem with being a snake is that people eventually discover that is what you are and once they learn it, they never forget it." He said in conclusion to his remarks, ' you have two things that money cannot buy-your character and your reputation. Don't sacrifice either of them." History continues to show that Ritchie is right in his observation. More than that, the Bible speaks to the same subject. Read Psalm 37. Righteousness always wins out. Come visit with us tomorrow. Norm Russell