
Terror stalks the streets of Rockville, Maryland.  A sniper has randomly shot ten people, leaving eight people dead and two seriously wounded.  Many live in fear that they might be this person's next target.  No one knows the reason for this senseless violence.  There does not seem to be any connection between the victims.  I pray the police will catch him/her soon before someone else falls victim to this persons violence. It should concern all of us that someone can be so full of hate that they would simply select a target, and from one hundred plus yards away, destroy another life.   But, there is another kind of violence that should concern us as well, and that is the destruction of reputations and the character assassinations that far too often take place in communities, schools, churches and the work place.  It is the kind that is done with the tongue.  The ammunition is words taken out of context, an innocent conversation where something was said in confidence.  Sometimes people have been quoted as having said something, but such was not the case.  The damage is done and the sniper has accomplished what he/she wanted. Don't be that way.  Guard your tongue against such evil.  Be careful that what you say is positive, not negative. Come see us Sunday.
