Minute Message 7/11/98 Too Much Sunshine? As I write this, the sun is shining as bright as I have ever seen it. Two days in a row, we have had sunshine. I am grateful for the rain, but too many days of a good thing will bring out the downside of that which is good. Even too much sunshine can have its draw backs. (Interesting thing, here everyone is cursing the ram, in Florida they are praying for it.) Everyone needs to exercise moderation. A piece of hot apple pie-a la mode occasionally tastes great, (I know) but having a steady diet of it will have senous ill affects on ones health ate same is trite in other facets of life Even too much religion is not a good thing. Some people are so heavenly that they are of no earthly value. Christianity is a wonderful thing if it connects with where society is, but it is of no value whatsoever, if it cannot relate to the community and cannot address the struggles you and I face. Jesus knew how to connect, we at the Nortlt Bend Church of Christ are striving to do the sume. Come visit with us tomorrow.