Being Thankful

She was young, attractive and was moving about the store at a rather rapid pace, doing her job and seemingly unaware of customers. I was looking for something and so I approached her by getting her attention over a couple of racks of clothes. I asked her a question and she immediately pointed to her ear. I asked again and, having read my lips, she pointed me in the right direction. It was then that it became apparent to me that the young lady was living in a world of silence.

She came to mind as I began to formulate this piece. Here is a person who cannot hear some of lifes most pleasant sound that you and I take for granted. She will not hear the sound of laughter, birds as they sing in the spring, the thunder of the waves as they crash against the rocks or the peaceful sound of a breeze that blows through the trees.

When was the last time you thanked God for being able to hear the sounds that many in our world never get to hear? So many things are simply overlooked because we are too busy to stop and consider how blest we are.

Why not stop what you are doing and give a prayer of thanksgiving for the blessings you enjoy?

Come see us Sunday.

Norm Russell.