
Next week begins the holiday season. What with Thanksgiving coming so late, Christmas will be upon us before we realize it. Well, at least that is what the experts are telling us. It seems we do not even have time to thank God for all we enjoy in life before we are off and running to beat others to that special gift everyone wants.

However, having said that, I am glad we can at least spend a few hours reflecting on our creator and sustainer of life. We have spent the better part of eleven months attempting to make ends meet and trying to eke out a meager living. God may or may not have been on our minds, so it is encouraging that we can now spend some time with family and friends reflecting on the one who gives us every thing.

If we were to spend time counting blessings, what would we say? What would we consider a blessing? We probably would not mention those trials that have come our way over the past several months. Yet, when you look back, where do you find yourself doing the most growing? I think you will find that it was during your most stressful moments. So, be sure you count your struggles as a blessing as well as those times of peace and achievement.

Come visit with us Sunday and have a great Thanksgiving.