The Wonder of A Child

My wife and I were sitting where we could enjoy the view of snow capped Mt. Bachelor. It was early on a Sunday morning. A grandfather with his young granddaughter, decided to take their food outside and enjoy the freshness of the cool morning air. They passed by a gas burning fire pit. The grandfather continued walking to their table, but the little girl stopped and looked for several minutes. You could tell she had a sense of wonder about her as she stared into the pit. Finally her grandfather persuaded her to "Come eat your breakfast."

As I write this, I think of some words Jesus said once as children gathered around Him. He said, "Except you become as a little child, you shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven." To the grandfather, the fire pit was of little interest. But for that child, it was a strange phenomena, something new, something to wonder about.

Adults have such familiarity with God’s world, there is little to wonder about. we have seen it before. In fact we have seen it so many times, we are unable to see it again for the first time. In many ways we have lost our sense of wonder. We have lost our ability to admire God’s work.

Wouldn’t it be great to "become like a child" so we could see and experience things as a child would?’
