The Gift

     The following comes from the December issue of Focus on The Family Magazine and is intended to help us learn that the value of a gift is not measured in dollars and cents but the sacrifice and heart of the one who gave it.

"My wife turned our family dinner conversation to what I might want for Christmas. She mentioned I needed a new watch. I said I had numerous watches but they all had broken pins and bands because my job was loading trucks. I said what I really needed was a pocket watch. On Christmas, I opened my present from my 6-year-old daughter. It was ‘A Bugs Life’ pocket watch and key chain she had received in a Happy Meal. I still carry the watch; it runs perfectly." (Submitted by Stan Colly of Castle Rock Colorado).

Sometimes we get the impression that that special someone needs to have an expensive gift we practically go bankrupt to make sure they get it. But, the value is not found in monetary terms. There have been those who have spent thousands of dollars only to see their gift treated as rubbish. Let me encourage you to spend time considering what is the best gift you can give. Maybe it is time. Maybe it is a little help around the house. How about saying, "I love you"?

It is not necessary to always give things.

Come see us Sunday.