
Our nation continues to prepare for war with Iraq. I hope that through diplomatic efforts, the war can be avoided, our young men and women could come home to their families and that peace would be the driving force behind all negotiations.

The one problem that appears to stand in the way of peace is the inability of leaders of countries around the world to trust the leader of Iraq. He seems to not be able to tell the truth. If one cannot trust the person you are negotiating with, how can there be peace?

This same thing holds true in every aspect of human relations, a wife must be able to trust her husband, and the husband must be able to trust his wife. You must be able to trust those you do business with, and there must be trust between leaders and those they lead.

Trust is developed over time. The more a person has proven their trustworthiness, the more they can be depended upon to follow through in every situation.

Though you might find some who you are unable to trust, there is one person who will never let you down. God has proven His faithfulness throughout the centuries. He will always be there for you. He will never fail you.

Come see us Sunday.

Norm Rusell.