Minute Message 5/23/98 Wedding Tragedy Our world is in some kind of mess. A wedding took place on a quaint front porch in Tampa Florida. Every thing was going well. The bride and groom had finally committed themselves to one another. But something went wrong. The couple got into a fight. And the groom, angry over having a plate of food shoved into his face found a gun and shot his bride in the abdomen. She lived through the tragedy and her husband found himself in jail waiting trial for attempted murder. Friends could not figure out what went wrong. One person commented on the beauty of the ceremony and fixings. You cannot judge a relationship by what you see externally. After the wedding comes the marriage. The marriage ceremony does not make a marriage, it is only the beginning. Far too many enter a relationship seeing only the surface The Psalmist said it well when he wrote "Unless the Lord build the house, its builders labor in vain " (Psalm 127-1 ) It will always take three to make a marriage, a husband, wife, and God. Norm Russell