Minute Message 5/16/98 What Will It Take? I have listened to my share of country music. Some entertainers really entertained, while others left me wondering how they made it. One singer, though not one of my favontes did have some songs that were enjoyable Johnny Cash was a regular on the "Grand Old Oprey". He was successful in every way, or though it seemed. Thc truth is, he was destroying himself with drugs and alcohol. His lifestyle affected his marriage, career voice and a lost sense of dignity. For seven years he continued to abuse himself. One night, following one of his many arrests things began to change. The sheriff who came to unlock his cell had some words for Johnny. Before setting the singer free he explained how locking him up broke his heart. He was an asid fan and then he said "Do with your life whatever you want. Just remember you have the free will to either kill yourself or save your life " Johnny's life began to change. It took cold hard truth to get Johnny Cash back on track. Some of you have lost your way. What will it take to turn you around? Jesus can make a difference. Come visit with us tomorrow.